The street art workshop organized by GoMad Concerti with a class from the Liceo Scientifico D’alessandro high school in Bagheria, through a series of meetings held between February and March 2022, was designed to allow students an approach to “street painting” focusing in particular on the artistic movement of the Murales conceived as an artistic form that can transform everything on the street into an unprecedented work, changing the face of neighborhoods, giving a different meaning to inhabited space; historical events that have influenced this artistic current were addressed, from the historical and cultural roots of hip hop, which together with writing and breaking have become educational resources based on an innovative pedagogical model capable of activating unprecedented learning processes. For the occasion, “Loste,” a nationally renowned street artist, was involved in explaining the various stages leading up to the moment of making the work. The first phase involved the analysis of the concept of street-art with the vision of some works; we then proceeded through brainstorming to the development of a common concept on which to design the drawing; through various techniques, the artist managed to stimulate the imagination of the students who collaborated in an egregious and enthusiastic manner in the workshop, providing important cues for the refinement of the final visual idea and approaching the project with the spirit of a working team from the first stages to the final definitions. The students decided to dedicate the mural to one of their schoolmates who died prematurely in a car accident, a traumatic experience that marked them deeply. The creative workshop later took the form of the actual creation of the mural, which saw all students involved in the practical realization of the drawing on a wall at their school. The initiative was totally positively received by both the students and all the school staff, who were enthusiastic about experiencing didactic and educational moments through interactive and innovative methodologies.